International, Online

15 – 15 September, 2022

Regenerative Development and the redesign of the human impact on Earth – with Daniel Christian Wahl

Our species evolved as an integrate member of the regenerative community of life which has created conditions conducive to life for over 3.8 billion years on planet Earth. Our indigenous ancestors around the world still hold the lineage of human beings who are ensuring to have a regenerative impact on the ecosystems they inhabit. We are now called to practically embed the wisdom of the Earth Charter into our place-sourced, bioregional focussed attempts to create a synthesis of this indigenous wisdom of how to live regeneratively in place with modern science and technology. This requires a much more mature discourse about technology and widespread ecological, social and economic regeneration in bioregions everywhere. The Earth Charter has the potential to work as an ethical common ground as we engage in redesigning the human impact on Earth – community by community, bioregion by bioregion. Global problems can only be transformed through unleashing local potential!

This Masterclass will offer an opportunity to expand your understanding on regenerative design and how to make it happen in practice. It will offer some examples of this approach being put into practice and some keys for moving ahead with this vision in your context.

Daniel Wahl

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Daniel Christian Wahl works internationally as a consultant and educator in regenerative development, whole systems design and transformative innovation. He holds degrees in biology (Univ. of Edinburgh), and holistic science (Schumacher College), and his 2006 doctoral thesis (Univ. of Dundee) was on Design for Human and Planetary Health. (Read more …)

Daniel has been a member of the International Futures Forum since 2009 and Gaia Education since 2007. He has collaborated with UNITAR and UNESCO, many large NGO; and consulted for companies such as Camper, Ecover and Lush. He is the author of Designing Regenerative Cultures